Dr. Meita Rumbayan is a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia.

She holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Sam Ratulangi University, a Master of Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, and a Doctor of Engineering from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Her work focuses on developing sustainable energy infrastructures for rural and remote communities.


Journal Articles
  1. Rumbayan, M., Pundoko, I., Sompie, S. R., & Ruindungan, D. G. (2025). Integration of smart water management and photovoltaic pumping system to supply domestic water for rural communities. Results in Engineering, 25, Article 103966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2025.103966
  2. Rumbayan, M., & Rumbayan, R. (2023). Feasibility study of a micro hydro power plant for rural electrification in Lalumpe Village, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sustainability, 15(19), Article 14285. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151914285
  3. Lomi, A., Rumbayan, M., Nakanishi, Y., Zahoor, M., & Zekker, I. (2022). Model design of an architectural grid-connected photovoltaic system. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 71(4), 326–335. https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2022.4.07
  4. Rumbayan, M., & Nakanishi, Y. (2019). Prospect of PV-wind-diesel hybrid system as an alternative power supply for Miangas Island in Indonesia. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, 8(4), 402–407. (DOWNLOAD)
  5. Nagasaka, K., & Rumbayan, M. (2013). Development of priority decision for renewable energy potential using analytical hierarchy process and geographical information system method. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems5(4), 270. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijamechs.2013.057666 (DOWNLOAD)
  6. Rumbayan, M., & Nagasaka, K. (2012). Solar irradiation estimation with neural network method using meteorological data in indonesia. International Journal of Technology3(2), 110 – 120. https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v3i2.1112 (DOWNLOAD)
  7. Rumbayan, M., Abudureyimu, A., & Nagasaka, K. (2012). Mapping of solar energy potential in Indonesia using artificial neural network and geographical information system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews16(3), 1437-1449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2011.11.024 (DOWNLOAD)
  8. Rumbayan, M., & Nagasaka, K. (2012). Emission And Financial Analysis Of Geothermal Energy Resource (The Case Of Lahendong Site In Indonesia). International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)2(4), 2288-2296. (DOWNLOAD)
  9. Rumbayan, M., & Nagasaka, K. (2011). Estimation of daily global solar irradiation in Indonesia with artificial neural network (ANN) method. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology1(2), 190. https://doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.1.2.40 (DOWNLOAD)
  1. Rumbayan, M., Pasiowan, C., & Sambul, A. (2024). Towards becoming energy-independent village: A case study of solar rural electrification in Lalumpe Village, Indonesia. International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences, 10, 246–251. https://doi.org/10.15017/00012345
  2. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S. R. U., Tangkuman, S., Abast, K., & Rumbayan, R. (2024). The concept of educational park for introducing micro hydro energy in rural communities (The case study of Lalumpe Village in Indonesia). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2828(1), Article 012049. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2828/1/012049
  3. Sambul, A., Rumbayan, M., Kindangen, J. I., Sompie, S. R. U., & Cross, J. (2024). Wireless education delivery system for remote island communities utilizing maritime data carriers. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI) (pp. 223–226). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCCI.2024.10674264
  4. Rumbayan, M., Nelwan, A. F., Pang, D., Kindangen, J. I., & Putro, M. D. (2024). Simulation of photovoltaic water pumping system in Sam Ratulangi University. E3S Web of Conferences, 530, Article 05001. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202453005001
  5. Rumbayan, M., Mamahit, D., Kambey, F., Mangindaan, G., & Jody, H. (2023). Design and installation of a solar water pumping system in Bunaken Island of Indonesia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2694, Article 060009. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0114559
  6. Rumbayan, M., Rumengan, I., Narasiang, B., Fajar, M., & Panjaitan, N. V. (2023). The development of appropriate technology prototypes for the food dryer powered by solar photovoltaic. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2601, Article 020024. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0104238
  7. Rumbayan, M., Pundoko, I., Ruindungan, D., & Panjaitan, N. V. (2022). Development of internet of things-based monitoring system for application solar energy technology in Bunaken Island. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1041(1), Article 012023. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012023
  8. Rumbayan, M., Rumbayan, R., Pasiowan, C., Elkana, S., & Panjaitan, N. V. (2022). Comparative study of micro hydro model systems for powering the sub-village of Tulaun Lalumpe Minahasa of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences, 155–160. https://doi.org/10.15017/5909085
  9. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S. R. U., Ruindungan, D. G. S., & Panjaitan, N. V. (2021). Design of a photovoltaics stand-alone system for a residential load in Bunaken Island using HOMER. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 927(1), Article 012039. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/927/1/012039
  10. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S. R. U., Ruindungan, D. G. S., & Panjaitan, N. V. (2021). Model of solar energy utilization in Bunaken Island communities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 739(1), Article 012082. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/739/1/012082
  11. Rumbayan, R., & Rumbayan, M. (2019). A study on the utilization of local coconut timber waste as sustainable building material. Proceedings of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES), 5, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.15017/2552898 (DOWNLOAD)
  12. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S. R. U., & Nakanishi, Y. (2019). Empowering remote island communities with renewable energy: A preliminary study of Talaud Island. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 257(1), 012024. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/257/1/012024 (DOWNLOAD)
  13. Rumbayan, M., Ruindungan, D., Sompie, S., & Sambul, A. (2019). The concept of the internet of things framework for remote monitoring of solar home system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1402(4), 044006. (DOWNLOAD)

  14. Rumbayan, M., & Nagasaka, K. (2018). Techno economical study of PV-diesel power system for a remote island in Indonesia : A case study of Miangas island. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science150, 012024. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/150/1/012024 (DOWNLOAD)
  15. Rumbayan, M. (2017). Development of power system infrastructure model for the island communities: A case study in a remote island of Indonesia. 2017 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS), 515–518. https://doi.org/10.1109/icamechs.2017.8316470 (DOWNLOAD)
  16. Rumbayan, M., & Nagasaka, K. (2012). Prioritization decision for renewable energy development using analytic hierarchy process and geographic information system. The 2012 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 36-41. 
  1. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S., & Rumbayan, R. (2021). Penerapan teknologi energi terbarukan melalui model science techno park Di Desa kiama kepulauan talaud. Jurnal Abdimas Indonesia1(4), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.53769/jai.v1i4.137 (DOWNLOAD)
  2. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S. R., & Rumbayan, R. (2021). Program pengembangan Desa Mitra Di kiama kabupaten talaud: Instalasi Pompa air tenaga Surya. SHARE: “SHaring – Action – REflection”7(2), 73-77. https://doi.org/10.9744/share.7.2.73-77 (DOWNLOAD)
  3. Rumbayan, M., Sompie, S., & Rumbayan, R. (2020). Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Berbasis Energi Terbarukan Di Desa Kiama Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat1(2), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.32815/jpm.v1i2.297 (DOWNLOAD)
  4. Hermanses, J. H., Rumbayan, M., & Sugiarso, B. A. (2020). Animasi interaktif pembelajaran energi listrik turbin angin. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer9(3). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v9i3.30447 (DOWNLOAD)

  5. Rumbayan, M. (2020). Diseminasi Pembelajaran Energi Terbarukan Turbin Angin Pada Masyarakat di Desa Kiama Kepulauan Talaud. IKRAITH-ABDIMAS VOL 3 NO 3 BULAN NOVEMBER 20203(3). https://doi.org/10.32815/jpm.v1i2.297 (DOWNLOAD)
  6. Maabuat, A. J., Sompie, S. R., & Rumbayan, M. (2020). Perancangan Proteksi Inverter Berbasis Arduino Uno. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer9(1). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v9i1.28866 (DOWNLOAD)

  7. Djamaludin, F. P., Poekoel, V. C., & Rumbayan, M. (2018). Audit Energi Gedung Rektorat Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer7(2). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v7i3.22502 (DOWNLOAD)
  8. Mantiri, H. E., Rumbayan, M., & Mangindaan, G. M. (2018). Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Listrik Minihidro Sungai Moayat Desa Kobo Kecil Kota Kotamobagu. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer7(3). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v7i3.20769 (DOWNLOAD)
  9. Rumbayan, M. (2017). Introduksi Teknologi biogas Sebagai Energi Terbarukan Untuk Masyarakat Pedesaan (Studi Kasus: Desa Kosio, Sulawesi Utara). ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian), 15. https://doi.org/10.29313/ethos.v0i0.2221 (DOWNLOAD)
  10. Subario, A. P., Lumenta, A. S., & Rumbayan, M. (2017). Animasi Sosialisasi Penghematan Listrik. Jurnal Teknik Informatika12(1). https://doi.org/10.35793/jti.v12i1.17792 (DOWNLOAD)
  11. Nusa, T., Sompie, S. R., & Rumbayan, M. (2015). Sistem Monitoring Konsumsi Energi Listrik Secara Real Time Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer4(5). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v4i5.9974. (DOWNLOAD)
  12. Rajagukguk, A. S., Pakiding, K. M., & Rumbayan, M. (2015). Kajian Perencanaan Kebutuhan dan Pemenuhan Energi Listrik di Kota Manado. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer4(3). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v4i3.7972 (DOWNLOAD)
  13. Tampubolon, E. H., Tumaliang, H., & Rumbayan, M. (2014). Kajian Perencanaan Energi Listrik di Wilayah Kabupaten Sorong Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak LEAP. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer3(2). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v3i2.4623 (DOWNLOAD)
  1. Bawalo, J., Rumbayan, M., & Tulung, N. M. (2021). Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Di Rumah Kebun Desa Ammat Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. (DOWNLOAD)
  2. Rumbayan, M., & Narasiang, B. (2021). Monitoring dan Controller Alat Pengering Ikan tenaga Surya Berbasis IoT. (DOWNLOAD)
  3. Wurangian, J. A., Rumbayan, M., & Tulung, N. M. (2020). Perancangan Solar Home System Menggunakan HOMER. (DOWNLOAD)
  4. Agus, G. V., Rumbayan, M., & Poekoel, V. C. (2019). Analisis Audit Energi Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer8(3). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v8i3.26563 (DOWNLOAD)
  5. Manoa, M., Rumbayan, M., & Tumaliang, H. (2019). Audit Energi dan Redesign Instalasi Listrik di TVRI Sulut. Jurnal Energi Elektrik8(2). https://doi.org/10.35793/jtek.v8i2.23917 (DOWNLOAD)

Community Development Activities

Solar Water Pump Initiative in Lalumpe Village

We implemented a solar-powered water pump system in Desa Lalumpe, Minahasa, to provide clean water and support sustainable tourism. The project also involved environmental improvements, including beach cleanups and infrastructure enhancements, fostering community-driven economic growth.
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Advancing Clean Energy & Digital Tourism in Lalumpe

Our research team collaborated with Lalumpe Village, Minahasa, to promote energy self-sufficiency and digital tourism. They installed solar-powered lighting in key public facilities—Lamers Church, Al-Muhajirin Mosque, and the Village Hall—to introduce renewable energy solutions. Additionally, the team conducted surveys and developed plans to transform Lalumpe into a digital tourism destination, aligning with the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative.
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